Friday, March 20, 2015

our spring flavor calendar & download!

We're done eating dinner in the dark and so excited for more happy hours in the sun - whether at the park or the pub! Our kitchens have received the first bushels of fresh Washington rhubarb for strawberry rhubarb sorbet, and our chef has been making test batches of granola to mix with Theo chocolate for our Sasquatch ice cream. Now you can celebrate spring with our lineup of homemade, fresh flavors!

23 strawberry rhubarb sorbet

6 salt licorice ice cream
13 peach goat cheese ice cream
20 melted chocolate sorbet
27 vegan lime toasted coconut

1 oatmeal cookie dough ice cream
11 Sasquatch ice cream
18 Rachel's Ginger Beer sorbet
25 vegan coconut strawberry

1 spring berry fro-yo

A very important note on our flavor calendar:
we do everything we can to stick to these dates! Because we work with small farms and purveyors, dates are sometimes subject to change due to harvest unpredictability. Keep an eye on our flavors page for updates, or follow us on TwitterFacebook & Instagram for news (and pics!) of every new flavor.

Take spring with you!
Download this image for your computer or phone by following the links for your favorite screen:

widescreen (iMac, 60" and Dell laptop)
midsize (MacBook, including retina)
old school (4:3 ratio)
iPhone (always)

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